FoSMPS undertake important work raising money for the school and is looking for up to 10 dedicated individuals to join as trustees for the school year 24/25.
Trustees govern the charity and have independent control over and legal responsibility for the charity's management and administration. They have a hands on role in planning, organizing and delivering activities and events to raise funding for the school. They are also instrumental in creating a community for parents and carers at the school through fun and engaging events.
If you would like to put yourself forward for a trustee/committee member role then please submit your nomination to including the following information by 24/05/2024.
Title the email - Nomination to become a FoSMPS trustee attention Co-Chairs
and include:
Your full name
The year group(s) your child/children are in
A short sentence on why you wish to become a trustee
Your consent to have your nomination information published on the FoSMPS website for the purposes of facilitating voting
If the number of nominations exceeds the number of available places then parents/carers will be asked to vote for candidates prior to the AGM and the results will be presented at the AGM on Tuesday 1st Oct.
Our existing committee members would be happy to answer any questions before you submit your nomination so please reach out to us on and we will arrange an informal chat.