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Whats App

Code of Conduct


WhatsApp groups were originally set up to promote FoSMPS fundraising events. There is a group for each year group in the school and these can be joined by parents and carers by contacting the class rep.  Over time they have evolved to also provide a fantastic way for parents to keep in touch with events and activities and any changes to usual schedule. Each group contains over 70 busy parents and carers who rely on this as a method of staying on track. We want the groups to be a positive and useful resource and ensure posts do not detract from the intended purpose.

If you choose to join a group then please follow the code of conduct below:


- DO: prefix your group name with 'FoSMPS'

- DO: post key upcoming dates (PE days etc) and the link to this code of conduct in the description of the group.

- DO NOT: Change the title or logo of the group unless it is linked with the children progressing from one year to the next in September

- DO: Keep the channel the info descriptions light and easy to read by restricting content to information relevant to the next 3 months. 
- DO: add new parents carers joining the year group and remove leavers 

- DO: forward on FoSMPS communications and encourage attendance and involvement ( sign up genius)
- DO: post the link to termly teacher gift donation website ( e.g Viing)
- DO: promote a single termly social event for year group parents ( please check this social does not
clash or detract from other FoSMPS events).

- OPTIONAL: post a Sunday/Monday summary of the week’s upcoming events (optional if you
have time)
- OPTIONAL: Post information reminders for events/changes to school schedule eg school
trips, science day, school lunch orders, clippings from Headlines (optional if you have time)

All Members (including Reps)
- DO: see if the answer to your question e.g PE days is already listed in the description
before posting and consider reaching out to another parent/carer friend first to try and get your answer . Remember your message will be read by 70+ busy people
- DO: Check the school website first for questions on term dates, and for FoSMPS events first before posting your question
- DO: Be polite and respectful, positive comments and appropriate language only please

- DON’T: carry out off topic chats with other group members 

- DON’T: post about issues with the school or other children at the school. Issues should be raised with the school directly. FOSMPS  and the Reps are not involved in either the running of the school, school trips or curriculum

- DON’T: post adverts to businesses

- DON'T: promote events that are not hosted by the school or FoSMPS committee. Do not approach local businesses regarding events,  sponsorship or donations under the FoSMPS name without checking with the committee first. If you have ideas for fundraising events to raise money for FoSMPS please complete the suggestion form

- DON'T:  use the channel to promote parent/carer social events, (other than the termly get together). Socials are of course encouraged but should not be organised via the year group WhatsApp to keep the channel clear. Other social channels should not use the FoSMPS name. 

- DO: use common sense these are guidelines and cannot cover all eventualities, if you have to ask if your post is common sense then it probably isn't.


The FoSMPS committee does not have the time to police chat groups. The school fully endorse these guidelines and may force us to close down these groups if they result in parent complaints about conduct. This would be a massive blow to our fundraising efforts and sense of community. 


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